5 steps to reducing the carbon footprint of your business

5 steps to reducing the carbon footprint of your business

Around the world, a growing number of businesses are taking steps to embrace a more sustainable way of working, and reduce their climate impact. Climate change is a hot topic, and as we become more aware of the impact the way we live is having on the environment the consumer market is changing the way they spend. The benefits of going green are not just environmental. Business that are actively working to reduce their carbon footprint are seeing enhanced brand perception in the market, and noting efficiency is up and cost is down.

Reduce your energy consumption
  • When your office equipment is due for an upgrade, invest in energy saving models. Look for the Energy Rating stars when purchasing computers, monitors, printers and photocopiers. By saving energy, this technology will save you money too.
  • Many offices are over-lit with fluorescent lighting. This wastes energy, and can create glare, often creating an unpleasant working environment and causing headaches and eyestrain. Lighting intensity in the workplace should be 1.0 watts per square foot, no more.
  • Make sure to switch off all overhead lights, computers and printers at the end of the working day. Leaving lights and appliances on overnight wastes a huge amount of energy, and will add up on your power bill


Look for travel alternatives
  • Implement a monthly “Reduce your footprint” day. Encourage staff to walk, cycle, carpool or use public transport. Put on a breakfast for participants to reward their contribution
  • Cut down on road and air travel by investing in a video conferencing system. Not only does this cut down on travel expenses, it also increases efficiency.


Reuse and recycle
  • Do you really need disposable cups at the water cooler?
  • Look for recycled alternatives on your next stationary order
  • Recycle your printer cartridges and coffee pods rather than contributing to landfill
  • Introduce a recycling program in the office to decrease paper use


Go paperless
  • Set bonus targets aimed at achieving a paperless office
  • Encourage double-sided printing where printing is unavoidable. You will notice the savings on printer cartridges and paper
  • Investigate “Cloud storage” rather than hardcopy filing


Low emission vehicles
  • If your business uses company cars, try to purchase the most energy-efficient models to suit your needs and budget
  • If you have a fleet of vehicles, you can drastically cut down your company footprint by converting your fleet to low-emission vehicles. Government subsidies are often available in support of these initiatives

As our governments continue to put more emphasis on reducing global carbon emissions, the rising costs associated with climate change will only increase. Get ahead of the curve by implementing these simple changes in your workplace, and lessen your climate impact.